Infertility: A Crucial, Overlooked Challenge for D6 Churches

by W. Jackson Watts, Ph.D.

Southwestern D6 Family Ministry Journal (Volume 6)





Abstract: Infertility is a problem commonly experienced by married adults, though it remains underdiscussed in interpersonal contexts such as the church. It especially poses a problem for those “D6 churches” seeking to orient their ministries around a conception of the family that, definitionally, assumes the presence of children in the home. This article provides some definitions, categories, and context to explain the common features of infertility, and especially how those features may express themselves within the context of a faith community. Special attention is given to emotional and marital impacts, ethical-theological considerations, and practical and pastoral responses.

W. Jackson Watts, Ph.D., pastors Grace Church in Arnold, Missouri. Watts serves Free Will Baptists at the local, state, and national levels, and has taught at three institutions. He is a graduate of Welch College (B.A.), Southeastern Baptist Seminary (M.Div.), Duke (Th.M.), and Concordia Seminary (Ph.D.). He is married with two children.