Share the exciting adventures of missionaries who served in Cote d’Ivoire and India. This new set of missionary story cards is a great tool for teachers wanting to share the heritage of Free Will Baptist Missions with students. Each colorful story card contains a segment of the overall story (12 cards per missionary) sharing many exciting adventures of the missionaries who served over 25 years overseas. Students will gain a new insight into the path each missionary took in deciding to serve as a missionary, getting to the mission field, and living in a foreign country telling others about God.
Trula Cronk was a young girl living at the Free Will Baptist Children’s Home in Greenville, Tennessee when she decided to surrender her life to Christ and serve as a missionary. She married Dan Cronk and both graduated from Welch College preparing for missionary service. Trula and Dan served as missionaries to India from 1947-1972. A more complete account of her life story can be read in Over Mountain or Plain or Sea. Trula spent the last few years of her life living in Thailand near her son, Randall, and his family. Trula passed away in 2009.
Laverne Miley was a brilliant young man that surrendered his life to ministry at a young age. He graduated from high school at the age of 14 and had his first college degree at the age of 18. After medical school, Dr. Miley served as a medical missionary in Cote d’Ivoire from 1960-1979 along with his wife and children. He established a hospital for the Lobi people in Doropo that still meets the needs of people living there today. Eight churches in that same area owe their existence to the missionary work of Dr. Miley. A more complete account of his life story can be read in I Looked for A Man and Found One by Lorene Miley. After serving on the mission field, Dr. Miley returned to Nashville, Tennessee and served as a college professor for 18 years inspiring other young people to missionary ministry. Dr. Miley passed away in 2005.