Intentional Integrity

Ten Life Strategies for Wholeness From The Book of Job

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Does Christianity work in real life anymore? If so, how does one live with integrity for a lifetime? An examination of Job 31 gives us a great example of faith lived out in a crisis. Job shows resolve in his commitment to Christ, resulting in a life of integrity we can follow. The book of Job comes to life in the storm and Job’s integrity survives the ash heap!

Dr. Garnett Reid chaired the Biblical and Ministry Studies Department at Welch College in Nashville, Tennessee, his alma mater, where he taught Old Testament for nearly 30 years. He holds a Ph.D. in Old Testament Interpretation and has pastored churches in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Kentucky. He is known for his love for God’s Word, his careful scholarship, and his powerful preaching. He and his wife, Carol, do not claim to be parenting experts but are thankful for their two adult sons and their families. Randall House has also published his other works including Deuteronomy Six in 3D. Garnett also writes “Intersect,” a regular column in One Magazine and is a frequent speaker at academic and religious conferences across the United States.