Classical Arminianism

A Theology of Salvation

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In this current environment of growth among Traditional Calvinism, Arminians of all denominations are looking for a good resource from an Arminian interpretation. The work of Forlines and Pinson provides such a resource. This book is a valuable contribution to the Arminian-Calvinist debate.

F. Leroy Forlines is a prolific author having published a Romans Commentary, Biblical Systematics, The Quest for Truth, and Biblical Ethics. His monthly column, “Christian Doctrine” was published in Contact magazine for 15 years. Forlines taught at Welch College for 50 years and continues to serve as Adjunct Professor. He has also served on the Commission for Theological Integrity since its inception in 1962 for the National Association of Free Will Baptists. He is Adjunct Professor of Theology at Russian Baptist Theological Institute at the Chelyabinsk Affiliate of the Moscow Theological Institute, under the auspices of Free Will Baptist International Missions.