Ancient Text, Modern World

Building a God-Centered Worldview in a Me-Centered World



This book aims to present the Bible as a reliable, true, and trustworthy Ancient Text that is sufficient for ministry to a modern student with all the complexities, hurts, and mixed messages of a modern world. The focus is not only on the message that the Ancient Text gives to a modern audience but also on how the Ancient Text should inform our ministry and educational practices.

Studies the reliability, story, and message of the Bible. Examines the modern world of a student and how the Bible speaks into this world. Provides ministry implications of applying an ancient text into ministry and Christian education

Jonathan Denton, Ph.D., has been serving in student ministry for over 20 years. He spent ten years serving in a church in Mississippi and is currently an assistant professor at CSU. Denton desires to train the next generation of student ministry leaders.

Contributions by various faculty members of the College of Christian Studies at Charleston Southern University including Peter Beck, Ph.D.; Michael Bryant, Ph.D.; Dondi E. Costin, Ph.D., D.Min.; Ryan Gimple, Ph.D.; Edward D. Gravely, Ph.D.; Ron Harvell, D.Min.; R. Allen Jackson, Ph.D.; Peter J. Link Jr., Ph.D.; Ross Parker, Ph.D.; Benjamin B. Phillips, Ph.D.; Jay H. Strack, D.Min.; and Jonathan D. Watson, Ph.D.